Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Em's Classroom

We haven't written on our blog for some time so we thought we'd update it. Since our trip to Europe we have mostly stayed around Provo except for a week long Statistics Conference that I attended in Santa Cruz, CA. Emily spent the remaining weeks getting her classroom ready at Edgemont. She had originally been told that she was going to be in a portable classroom but when we returned from Europe, it wasn't there and wasn't going to be there until shortly before school started. So Mrs. Twitchell, my sixth grade teacher (and Emily's mentor), gave Emily her classroom.

Emily worked really hard (like she does with anything she puts her mind to) and received some help from me and her sisters. In the end the class room looks great!

We have definitely reached our busiest times since we have been married. Her job as a full-time teacher (full-time doesn't do it justice) is very time consuming and it is not uncommon for her to put in 60 plus hours a week to get everything done. Our typical day goes something like this:
6:00 am : wake up, hit the snooze button approximately 5 times
6:30 am : get out of bed, shower, get dressed
7:00 am : I eat a quick breakfast and prepare Em and I's lunches/snacks

7:15 am : We arrive at Em's school (we only have one car now) and we both carry all her stuff that she needs for the day
7:45 am : I arrive at my office at school
4:30 pm : I leave my office and meet Em at her classroom
5:00 pm : We haul all of Em's stuff that she needs to work on at home out the car
5:30 pm : We get home, possibly eat something, I get ready for tennis lessons
6:00 pm : I started teaching, usually one to two hours (I don't teach too many hours now as it is too hard, but I upped my prices a bit and now only have a couple students - which is great)

9:00 pm : I get home, Em is still working on teaching plans
9:30 pm - 10:30 pm : Relax - read together, watch a tv show (we have started watching 'Glee', etc.
10:45 pm : Go to sleep

It is really busy but I am enjoying my last year of my masters program and Em loves her kids, loves her coworkers, and overall enjoys her job. That being said, she has definitely become a strong believer in raising teachers wages for all they do - as have I.


  1. Em! I didn't know you are teaching. That is so awesome. I bet you are a wonderful teacher and that all your kids just love Mrs. Ferguson. Keep up the good work!

  2. This is awesome! Congratulations on getting the classroom. What age group are you teaching?

  3. I loved the pictures of the classroom the most! Everything looks so organized and cute! My favorite was the bulletin board that says, "Mrs. Ferguson" on it!!! Guess I don't think of you as Mrs. Ferguson!

  4. have joined the club. Now throw a baby into the picture. haha...teaching is kicking my butt this year. Good luck Emily!

  5. That is awesome. I remember that classroom very well! Congrats on your teaching job, Emily. I hope it all goes well! And congrats, Yeldarb, on almost being finished with your Masters program.

    ...I can't believe we're all getting so old...

  6. Love that you have a "reading nook". you did a great job making the classroom attractive and fun for your students.

  7. The classroom looks fun! Good job! I bet the kids love you Em! My sister Emilee was telling me how good of a piano teacher she thought you were, I am sure it is the same in school. What a good husband too..making you lunches, snacks, carrying all your things, and updating the blog. Thanks Brad! :)
